Glad ya asked!
So here’s a little backstory first. Nero Coffee was born somewhere along the Appalachian Trail. While I was thru-hiking the 2189 mile trail from Georgia to Maine, I came up with the idea to create a coffee company focused on getting people outside.
I think nature and coffee both hold this unique power of connection; By getting outside for a hike you can more easily connect to yourself and coffee is the beverage you choose to share with others when you want to connect. So by pairing these two things, hiking + coffee, great conversations just happen. I love the sense of community it creates, and the world just needs a little more of that, right?
Oh, how rude of me, I didn’t even introduce myself yet. I’m Katlyn, the owner of Nero Coffee. My favorite things in life are hiking, camping, coffee, and meeting new humans. I have discovered that there are a lot of other people that love these things too, so I feel super thankful to be able to create a way for more people to enjoy great coffee outside.
At the summit of Mt. Katahdin, my “finish line” of the Appalachian Trail
Okay, cool story, but why “Nero”?
(pronounced nē-rō)
You can think of it as “nearly zero”. It’s a word from the long distance backpacking community that basically means a day where you may hike a few miles (nearly zero) and then spend the rest of the day relaxing. It’s really about balance. You can’t hike a million miles every day, you deserve a break. So I chose to call my brand Nero Coffee because if you’re hiking up a trail or sitting and working away on your laptop, it’s important to take that time for yourself to step away, relax and enjoy the moment - *preferably outside with others when you can. I want my coffee to be part of your “nero”.
Right now Nero Coffee has three main parts:
Coffee (duh)
I have partnered with a great local coffee company, Appalachian Coffee, to create my own coffee brand. My first roast is now available online and I can ship it to ya any time. Take a look at the shop page - more roasts are in the works! Woop woop!
Coffee Hikes
The whole idea of Nero Coffee is to get people outside together sharing coffee and talking to each other. I guide what I call coffee hikes where we go on a group hike and make and share coffee together in the woods. Right now my main hike is to three awesome waterfalls in Dupont, but if you want to go somewhere new, I’d love to make it happen - just send along an email.
Coffee Basecamp
This is exciting! I recently purchased about 6 acres in the mountains of Western North Carolina to create a basecamp for Nero Coffee. Nero Coffee + Camp is now open for campers! On property I have a coffee shed (coffee is free!) and you can set up a tent and just enjoy a nice spot in the mountains. I have plans to add some mini cabins and more, but for now it’s a simple set up and I’d love to have ya.
I have no shortage of other ideas to grow the Nero Coffee community, so hop on my email list to see what’s next.